This is a special issue in Journal of Electronic Materials, called and published in conjunction with the “7th International Symposium on Frontiers in Materials Science”, organized in National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, January 21st-24th, 2024.
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Hsinchu, Taiwan
Georgia Institute of Technology and Matmerize., Inc.
Atlanta, GA, USA
Materials science is an interdisciplinary field of science, integrating knowledge and approaches from physics, chemistry, engineering, and more, aiming at studying, optimizing, discovering, and designing functional and sustainable materials used in every corner of human life. The core functionalities of our computers, cars, and phones, etc., are made possible by the semiconducting materials needed for the powerful chips, mechanically strong and fire-resistant composites needed for the body, advanced materials needed for high-energy density batteries, and more. Research and innovations in materials science have been highly active in multiple scales with frontiers continuously pushed forward --- the emerging paradigm of AI-based materials informatics is an example of new driving forces that are introducing in the field.
The special issue “Frontiers in Materials Science” welcomes high-quality submissions from colleagues, addressing the areas in the alignment with the mission of the symposium series and the Journal of Electronic Materials. The following topics are anticipated
1. Materials for green energy and environment
2. Multiferroics and magnetic materials
3. Photonics and nanostructured hybrid materials
4. Spintronic & topological materials
5. THz materials and devices
6. Two-dimensional materials and related applications
7. Theoretical and computational (physics-driven) materials science
8. Materials informatics (data-driven) approaches in materials science
Colleagues, who wish to contribute to the special issue, please refer to the submission information given below: